Tuesday, 18 September 2018

Big Judo Visit Howick

On Monday night Big Judo took a crew over to Howick Judo Club for a visit.  We all had a great time. Howick is fifty years old and is a very well established Judo club. 

Most of the Big Judo team arrived at about 7pm and so trained with Howick's large class of young players.  Then  we trained with the adults from 8-9.30pm.

Inter-club visits used to be common and have dropped off in recent years. But Big Judo is keen to reverse that trend. You get better at Judo by doing Judo especially with the different people.

Even better,  its fun!  We all had a good time. Our young competition players had good workout against some strong opposition.

And the oldies got on the mat and shared their experience with younger (i.e. smaller )  players.

Ben from Big Judo squashes  a poor young cadet from Howick.  Actually he is teaching him about using Kosen style 'point control' position to dynamically control someone. 

Andd just so you know its not just Big Judo who brutalizes smaller people in the guise of learning here is Mike from Howick brutalizing a sweet young Japanese lady from Big Judo.

All joking aside.  Thanks heaps to Lawrie, Craig and Lester we all had a fantastic time and enjoyed their warmth, friendliness and good natured Judo.