Saturday, 16 December 2017

Big Judo End of Year Technical Workshop

This weekend we had our first Big Judo technical workshop.  It was a big step. We now have a number of Orange Belts and the objective of this workshop was to bring them up to speed on both our curriculum and on the National Syllabus. This means that we have both consistency with the National Syllabus so that when they look at senior gradings they have a good knowledge base. More importantly it allows the adults and kids from our two dojos to come together and benchmark their skills.  

Hard day though. Four hours on the hottest day this year. Only four were graded. Very well done to everybody that attended though, 

Discussing technique.

The crew lined up for the debrief at the end.

Ben and Nellie hot and tired at the end. 
Being an instructor can be pretty lonely at times especially when you are evaluating gratdings. 

Friday, 8 December 2017

Transition from Standing to the Ground

Recently found some old school Judo Vision videos on Youtube.  Really interesting.  Been watching Ray Stevens.  His transition from stand up to the ground is really good watch this video is one example.  There are lots of others.

Thursday, 7 December 2017

Big Judo End of Year Visit to University

On Sunday 5 December 2017 Big Judo visited University. We visit at Christmas each year. It is good for the kids to see the Dojo where most of the Big Judo instructors learnt their Judo. 

The kids had a great day doing lots of randori and finishing with a batsugan (or line up contest) .  Then the adults competed in the annual competition.  

Big Judo and University kids bow before having some practice fights on the ground.

Into it!

Kids from both clubs at the end of the day. Rick on the left and Ben on the right.

Straight after the kids finished the adults from both clubs and a few from Auckland Brazillian Jiu Jitsu 'duked it out'. There were some good fights and everybody had a great time.

Adults from both clubs who competed.

Tuesday, 3 October 2017

End of Term Three

We have just finished Term Three and have had a really good term.  We had lots of kids compete in lots of competitions and won our first juniors medal at the Nationals.  This wonderful progress and next term looks like it will be even better.

Next terms highlights are gradings and our end of year visit to University Judo Club.

Big Blue Judo Machine Notice of AGM

Big Blue Judo Machine gives notice that the 2016 / 2017 AGMs will be conducted on Saturday 14 October 2017 at 4.30 pm at the Sandringham Dojo.

As per Article 11.2 of the Constitution the business of the Annual General Meeting shall be:

(a)         To receive and approve the Annual Report and Financial Statements.
(b)         To elect officers.
(c)         To consider motions of which notice has been given.
(d)         To transact general business.

All members of Big Blue Judo Machine are welcome. 

Sunday, 7 May 2017

Big Judo Term Two Action Starts Now

Uni Judo came over for a visit, Good fun.  Even Rick was there, Great fun plus a few pints afterwards.

Saturday, 8 April 2017

Big Judo Club Visit

Well last week we had a team of kids out at Judokwai fight in their club competition. This weekend our adults and cadets visited University Judo Club. It was fun. 

The Big and University crews pose for a photo.

Ground fighting. 
We even did some stand up fighting!

Sunday, 2 April 2017

Big Judo Fun at Judokwai Competition

Big Judo took 18 kids to the Judokwai kids competition this weekend.  It was a good day.

We got lots of medals and our people acquitted themselves well,  They fought hard and were all competitive enjoying a good day of Judo.

Our kids represented the club well.  We are all very proud.  

Sunday, 26 March 2017

Big Judo Competition Coming Soon

 This is New Zealand's biggest competition. Last year we had. 

  • Three competition mats in operation all day for two days;
  • 360 entries; from
  • 11 countries.

It is a weekend of Judo that was is as good as you will get in New Zealand.

Big Judo will have a small group of people fighting, But we are keen to support so if you can volunteer put 29-30 July in your calendar right now. 

Thursday, 16 March 2017

Big Judo Big Tuesdays

Tuesday nights are going hard-core.  We get lots of people on the mat and they are learning good Judo.  

Most importantly Big Judo's strategy is starting to pay dividends.  We started with kids.  While we trained kids we recruited social adults.  Now the biggest kids need to be extended we have a good bunch of friendly experienced adults to mentor them.  Even better at the other end of the club we have lots of beginners. 

Between our instructors, our parents, our supporters and the Judoka themselves we are building something special,  Awesome. 

Saturday, 11 March 2017

Big Judo Big Saturday

 We have three full classes on Saturday. Little kids and beginners.  Big kids and adults.  Lots and lots going on. At Big Judo we focus on kids and social adults.  We have a couple of adults that are interested in competition but mostly we are a pretty social bunch that just wants to promote Judo.

I wish we were cool.  But we are just a bunch of old black belts with a few competition titles between us that like teaching people Judo.  So if you are uncool check us out sometime.

Kids being coached

Kids doing Judo 

Adults in action 

Saturday, 4 March 2017

Big Judo Adults Training in Town

Nice photo of the adults this Saturday.  Adults train pretty socially but they provide good environment to support the development of our teenagers.

Last thing young teenagers need in Judo is a group of hyper competitive older Judoka bashing them up!

Instead at Big we have a nice group of older Judoka keen to extend their Judo. Oh and a coaching team with 'real' black belts and a pretty good competition history.

We have been planning this step for ages. We started with kids. The kids have grown up.  As they grew up we started getting our adults together so that when they were teenagers we had the next environment they need for progression.

Its pretty satisfying.

Saturday, 11 February 2017

Big Judo Back 2017

Back into Judo again. Hope you all had a great Christmas and New Year holiday,

Big Judo had our first full week of Judo and can report the following:

  • All our classes have been well attended. Awesome - its great to start the year this way. 
  • We have re-structured a our kids classes in town moving our teenagers up to train with the adults and bringing little kids into the big kids classes. 
  • This year we will be a bit more active competitionwise. Some of the kids are big enough to compete a bit more often and we have a small group of adults keen to compete. This week I sent a list of New Zealand competitions out to the coaches and senior players so we can start planning.
  • Kyle has been selected for the Oceania Championships and is down at National Training Camp this weekend.

  • Daniel Gowing is keen to help out and will be working with Kyle to help him build up. 
We will also be looking at how we improve and get better at coaching kids and social adults,  Without these groups our club would not be anywhere near as good. 

So see you all soon.