Sunday, 24 July 2016

Big Judo Term Three Starts Now!

Judo starts up again tomorrow. All of our normal classes are taking place even though we have the Auckland International Open this weekend. 

Over the holiday’s the instructors and senior members discussed a number of matters and we are aiming to the achieve the following actions this term:

 Support the Auckland International Open (30-31 July) – We have 8 kids and 1 adult fighting in this competition. It is New Zealand’s biggest competition so it will be great to watch. If you can provide a couple of hour on either day just turn up and we will find work for you!

More mats for Pukekohe – By moving our mats around we can free up another ten mats for Pukekohe.  This will give Pukekohe a mat area the same size as town. Great for growing the seniors out there!

Another night in town – We have enough instructors available and committed in the city that we can now look at another night during the week providing the church has the times available

 Take a big team to the Howick competition (14 August) – This competition is ‘entry level’ and there are ‘white belt’ categories. It is well run and a perfect opportunity for kids and adults to try out competition Judo.

Grow our senior numbers  – The team at Puke have done really well.  We have a regular group of seniors out there now and have kept that class going. We also need to make sure we don’t lose momentum in the city.  So keep telling your mates!

We are looking forward to the term and hope that everybody keeps on supporting us! Thanks heaps